Women’s Ministry
MISSION: We exist to create opportunities for women to grow together spiritually, becoming more like Christ and following His example to love, disciple and serve.
VISION: Every woman at Greer First Baptist Church is engaged in Christian community where they are caring and praying for one another, being mentored and/or mentoring, and becoming more like Christ through the study of God’s Word and serving in His name.
MIDWEEK Bible Study
Begins August 28 at 9 am
The Daniel Prayer: Prayer That Moves Heaven and Changes Nations
by Anne Graham Lotz
By taking a close look at the life of Daniel, Anne unpacks the prayer he prayed in Daniel 9. Following the pattern of Daniel’s original prayer as a model for how we speak to our Creator, she helps us develop a more meaningful and powerful prayer life.
Led by Kim Keller
Room: 101 | Cost: $12
WMU at Greer First
Third Monday of Each Month
We have a long history of mission service through the WMU at Greer First. The women of WMU serve our community through prayer, supporting local mission partners and mission education. If you are interested, please join us for our meetings! Or call Jimmie Ann Dacus at (864) 244-7966, or Doris Howell at (864) 354-1762.